About Us

Silram Group is a distributor/agent company serving the electronic and related Hi-Tech industry in Israel.

Founded in 1992, Silram is situated in Kfar-Saba, near Tel-Aviv, in the center of the Hi-Tech activities and end customers facilities. Over the Years, we had successfully managed to grow and expand our traditional business and today we can give a full turn-key solutions in a variety of areas listed below.Today, Silram Group consists of 30 people, and 5 application engineers that can give full solutions to the end customer and engineers in the hi-tech field, and are updated with the most state of the art products and solutions that you can find today in the market. Our main field of expertise are as follow

EMC (EMI/RFI) – Full line of leading products from the EMI/RFI field. We represent Leading companies in the field like Schlegel electronics, TC Shielding, Fair Rite, ARC Technologies products and more. Many of our solution is custom based solution according to customer needs, and is designed for both commercial and military applications.

RF and Microwave – Leading products in RF division such as RF connectors, RF cable assembly, Antennas, RF absorbers and special custom products for the RF field. Our advantage is our special and unique products in the RF field, together with our vast experience and knowledge, leading RF manufacturers from all over the world and short lead times. We can give custom solution and prototypes in a very short lead time

Thermal Management Leading products that give full board solution to thermal needs. Main Products are DC and AC fans, blowers, Heat sinks, Thermal pads, Heat pipes, Vapor chamber and many more custom products. Our knowledge and experience in this field together with our custom products makes us one of the leading power for thermal management in the market today.

Power Supplies We are providing power conversion products AC/DC : DC/DC : DC/AC : POE to semiconductor equipment manufacturers, industrial systems suppliers, medical device designers, commercial aerospace applications as well as military markets.

Silram consist today of two sister companies -

Silram Cor - dealing with Thermal Management - Cooling Fans, Heat-Sinks, Heat Pipes, Heat Conducting Elastomers and alike.

Silram Technologies - RF and Microwave - Components, Accessories, Cables, Connectors.

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