TIM (Thermal Interface Materials)

TIM (Thermal Interface Materials)
The continuously increasing technical demands, placed by the electronic industry on electronic and electrical devices, such as higher frequencies, component miniaturization, more functionality and increased device power lead to higher temperatures that need to be controlled to ensure long term service, stability and durability.
Heat sinks, cooling plates are often used to reduce the temperature of electrical circuits to minimum.
The TIM provide improved thermal coupling between the hot component and the cooling device by reducing the interface thermal resistance and decreasing the temperature difference between the component case and the cooling device.

    Available products are:

  • thermal Pads Up To 50w/mk: Gap Filers, Elastomers films, Adhesive Films, Silicon
  • Free Pads, Phase-Change-Material (PCM), Thermal Putty, Graphite Sheet and Pyrolytic
  • Graphite, Low Bleeding, Silicone Free.
  • Available Thicknesses: 0.1mm – 10.0mm
  • Thermal Paste UP TO 10W/MK: Thermal Grease, Thermal Putty, Thermal Adhesive

1 Comment

  1. Liron Erel says:


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