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Vast Varaiety of EMI / RFI products
Active & Passive Solutions
15 - 300MM
Active Heat Sinks
Anti Static Brushes
All kinds of ATTENUATORS
BeCu Fingers Series
Berrilium Copper EMI Fingers
Chillers for Thermal solutions
Conductive Elastomer EMI Gaskets
Full Catalog
Conductive Foam XYZ
Conductive Moulded O-Rings
Conductive Polyfoam XYZ
CPU Heat Sinks
CPU Heat Sinks AVC
Custom Heat Sinks
Axial fans blow air along the axis of the fan,
Duo Seal Combined EMI/Environmental Gaskets
EMI Connector Gaskets
EMI Ferrites for attanuation and Power
EMI Filtered Connectors
EMI RFI Technical Information
Vast varaiety of EMI/RFI gaskets for RF sealing and EMI
EMI/RFI Honeycombs
Extruded EMI Materials
Fabric Over Foam EMI Gaskets
Fabric Over Foam Pn Guide
Flat Ferrite for Cables
All kinds of GPS Antena
Thermal Conductive Putty and Grease
Heat Pipes for Fast heat dissipation
Miniature to medium size heat sink wite cylindrical pin -
Heat Sinks Accessories
Low Pressure Drop Low Thermal Resistance
Magnetic shielding for low frequencies
Poron Mylers Isolators and various materials for the industry
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Oriented Wires in Silicone EMI Gaskets
Outdoor Products IP Protection Mil Spec
Passive Heat Sinks
Phase Change Materilas Phase change materials (pcm's) are normally used
Poron Die cutting Custom made
Poron Based Die Cut Materials
Full line of AC/DC power supplies
QuickSet Heat Sink
All kinds of RF Antens such as: Wi-Fi...
All kinds of Attenuators
RF Shield frame and covers
Round Cable Ferrite Cores
Shoulder Screw Attached
Spiral EMI Gaskets
Testing Equipment FCC EMI/RFI
Thermal Management
Thermal Pads
Thermal Pads Thermal conductivity
Thermo Electric Coolers
Vapor Chambers
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